
Why does inner strength matter? Psychologist Rick Hanson explains, and the reasons might run deeper than you think:

“A well-known idea in medicine and psychology is that how you feel and act, both over the course of your life and in specific relationships and situations, is determined by three factors: the challenges you face, the vulnerabilities these challenges grind on, and the strengths you have for meeting your challenges and protecting your vulnerabilities…

If you want to feel less stressed, anxious, frustrated, irritable, depressed, disappointed, lonely, guilty, hurt, or inadequate, having more inner strengths will help you.

On average, about a third of a person’s strengths are innate, built into his or her genetically based temperament, talents, mood, and personality. The other two-thirds are developed over time. You get them by growing them … Finding out how to grow these strengths inside you could be the most important thing you ever learn.”

Read the full article by Rick at welldoing.

Nova Is Lost character with eyes closed, holding a candle in front of her amid a teal wash of colour
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